My Journey to Micro-stock End of June

As the July 1st long weekend develops in Canada I again take stock of my Journey into Micro-stock


June was almost my best month to date… I say almost because I don’t know for sure what I will be getting from iStock.  I sell most of my images through their PP ( partner program).  They always seem to have trouble coming up with the numbers, and June seems to be the longest they have taken.  They still have not reported for May.  In iStocks defence they did have to deal with floods at their headquarters… they are located in Calgary

Shutter Stock

Shutter Stock has become a steady earner, with steady growth.  It was my best month with them.  I have also started to up load full released model images.  So far the results are encouraging. About 20% of the images I submitted, sold within 6 days, some muliple times.


I have added another site to my Symbiostock Network.  This site will be people images ( obviously) that I have model releases for.  This will include images I take now, and images that I have releases for back in Canada.

The Symbiostock network is becoming an amazing technology… I just hope that I get some sales soon.

Goals for July

I haven’t thought much about what I want to accomplish for July.  It will be a busy month for me with non-photographic projects.  The main goal is to keep my Shutter Stock and Symbiostock portfolio growing.

Anyway here is this months numbers.  One change I added to this chart is the addition of a projection of income.  I will refine this as time goes on, but it as interesting exercise.

# accept Stock editorial Jan Feb March April may June RTI projected
Shutter Stock 437 239 198 $8.50 $4.50 $14.74 $7.88 $10.01 $17.26 $62.89 0.14 14.86 $60.49
23.02% 0.0800 0.0340 0.0285 0.0395 51.67% 0.0340
iStock 154 151 3 $3.14 $6.26 $1.40 $2.52 $26.75 $1.61 $41.68 0.27 11.76 $51.83
8.11% 0.0200 0.0300 0.2450 0.0105 34.24% 0.0764
123rf 369 352 17 $0.43 $3.29 $0.44 $0.22 $0.95 $1.93 $7.27 0.02
19.44% 0.0052 5.97%
Canstock 173 173 0 $0.75 $1.75 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.50 0.03
9.11% 0.0050 0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 3.70%
Dreamstime 172 172 $0.35 $0.70 $0.00 $0.00 $2.34 $3.39 0.02
9.06% 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 0.0136 2.78%
fotolia 23 23 0 $0.25 $0.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 0.02
1.21% 0.41%
bigstockphoto 111 92 19 $0.50 $1.00 $1.50 0.01
1898 1654 244 $13.07 $16.40 $18.28 $11.62 $38.21 $24.14 $121.73 0.06 26.62 $124.20
percentage of total income 10.74% 13.47% 15.02% 9.55% 31.39% 19.83%

Keywording is the Key



I have been doing some research ( while doing a full back-up of my images…when is the last time you backed up…. ? )


I have come to the realization that keywording will be the key to sales ( and makeing money). 


The image has to be “good” to get past the gate keepers ( reviewers, inspectors) to get them listed on any site.  But, in order to get a sale, the buyer has to find the image.  And that is where the key words come into play.  It doesn’t matter how great the image is, if the buyer can’t find it, among the 2,000,000 other images on the site, they will not buy it.


So far I have been working on the image side of things, and the work flow involved in that, and have not worried too much about keywording and how to deal with it. I have been approaching it in a haphazard fashion


This will have to change.

The more I dive into this the more important I can see this part of my workflow.


The time to deal with this is now, when I have a limited number of images submitted.


On some of the forums I have read about people have 10 – 15 K image on sites…. and realistically that is what you need to make a living shooting Micro Stock. 

Will I reach that point?  Who knows?  I know I can shoot that number is images ( and some of them might actually sell), but can I organize my workflow to control it? 


That is the tough part.


Year end Stats


This is my end of year Stats for images accepted into sites.

I still do not have any sales, but I don’t expect to see much sales from these images.

I have re-ordered the list to put the more “important” sites closer to the top.

# sub # accept Stock editorial Rejected Accept ratio
X Shutter Stock 10 4
A iStock 29 10 10 0 10 50.00%
A bigstockphoto 36 3 3 0 17 15.00%
A fotolia 5 4 4 0 14 22.22%
A Canstock 88 58 58 0 30 65.91%
A Dreamstime 28 7 7 0 21 25.00%
A 123rf 37 66 50 16 4 94.29%
A photodune 45 28 28 0 10 73.68%
W Pond5 10 0 0 0 0
W panthermedia 10
x Veer 10 0 0 0 10 0.00%
x Alamy 8 0 8 0.00%
316 176 160 16 128 57.89%