This gallery contains 34 photos.
This gallery contains 34 photos.
There was a meeting at Keyner’s house. This meeting involved Lawyers, Engineers, Suppliers, Builders members of FOLM and the family of Keyner. This was, I believe, the first time all of these people had been together in one place.
There were still some documents that had to be signed, some contracts to be approved, but it is moving forward.
The people involved in Keyner’s new house, Suppliers, builders, family, and FOLM.
Keyner Celorio Vera, 7 years old, has low moderate vision and lives with his mother and grandmother at El Pueblito, Canton Rocafuerte. The structure, walls and floor of his house were affected by the earthquake, leaving it uninhabitable. Keyner needs a new house because he and his aunt are still living there in spite of the danger posed to them.
Keyner Celorio Vera, 7 years old, has low moderate vision.
I first met Keyner at a park in Portoviejo. He was laughing on the teeter totters and enjoying himself as 7 year old boy do. He has low vision capabilities, so he wasn’t running around much.
The day in the park playing with other Children ( part of the work the Fundation Oswald Loor does ) was a great respite for him and his family. This is one of the goals of the FOLM luz program, to allow visually impaired people to meet with others who are like them.
Vision impaired children interacting at a FOLM event.
The next time I met him was when we visited his house. His family lives in the delta of the Portoviejo river ( Rio Portoviejo). This area is full of small rice fields, and other small farms. Most of the people who live in the delta do not have a lot of money. This is evident in the houses. Keyner’s house showed this… it was a small 2 room bamboo structure.
Keyner Celorio Vera, 7 years old, has low moderate vision
I next visited him to help document the damage created by the quake. The small house was still standing but had visible shifted. He and his aunt are still living in the house.
Yesterday I learned that his family had been chosen to receive the first house in the proyecto resurgir/resurgence project. I will be documenting the building of his house so people can see where the funds are going….Now FOLM is going to build him a new house, a place he can feel safe.
I feel happy for him, but I also feel sad for the others that we can’t help rebuild their lives…
If you can help please donate.
Donate Outside of Ecuador you can send me funds through my paypal ( I will post an update accounting for these funds), inside Ecuador you can deposit directly in the bank account of FDOL. You can also send the funds directly to this account from outside Ecuador! We are setting up a gofundme, but the 8% in fees that are charged could be better spent on houses.
Link to Paypal donation record page
Thank you for reading and any help would be appreciated.
In February 2013 I made a trip to the coast of Ecuador. I was going to take a few photographs for the Fundación Dr. Oswaldo Loor Moreira. Through a very convoluted series of contacts ( a friend’s friend’s wife is related to the director) I was asked to help take some publicity shots. I really didn’t have any idea what I was getting myself into.
It was a very eye opening experience.
I got to visit places where most Canadian’s don’t get to see.
One of the places we went to was the workshop of Sandy.
In Ecuador cars are very expensive. They are outside the reach of most Ecuadorians. For this reason motorcycles are the main means of private transportation( there are also buses going just about everywhere).
Motorcycle mechanics are very popular, especially if they are good. Sandy is a good motorcycle/ bicycle mechanic.
He is also blind.
This is as I saw him last week. He was fixing the spokes of a wheel of a clients Motorcycle.
And this is as he looked on my first visit in 2013. That day he was building a replacement part out of metal. This required grinding, pounding and shaping.
I hope to drop in again in a few more months.